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Manna Dabolkare

 Psychic Medium, Former Therapist, Conscious Leadership Coach and Trauma Healing Specialist, Manna is passionate about training aspiring leaders and change makers in the intersections of cultural healing, animist ethics, and the Art of Consciousness. Manna is the Founder of Conscious Leadership Institute with its mission to Advance Conscious Leadership, Spiritualism & Psychic Sciences. She is also the CEO of Gift Global Initiative, a humanitarian organization with its wings in 17 countries.  


She is an initiate in and has learned from teachers of Mahayana Buddhism, Hinduism, Mongol Buryat, Islamic Sufism and speaks 11 languages. Much of her Ancestral Healing Education was in Sanskrit, she combines Ancient Vedic Mantras with Modern Sciences to initiate generational trauma healing.

As a practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda, two ancient holistic healing systems, she uses the Bio-Well technology offering an immediate and visual insight into the current state of your body. As a Death Doula, Manna helps people to plan for the end of life and, when the time comes, to let go. She says that while we're conditioned to fear death, thinking and talking about it is instrumental to creating meaningful lives.

Her teachings empower you to explore your higher spiritual self, encouraging you to seek the answers that lay within you and to build the life of your choosing.



With our Bio-Well technology, you will get real-time reports & feedback on what factors - positive and negative - affect your stress and energy state. There are two components of trauma.


First, there is a piece of the traumatic memory that lives in our brain. It’s what we call the “cognitive” piece of the trauma. But there is a much less often addressed piece. It’s called the “energetic” piece.  Unlike the cognitive piece, which stores pieces of the traumatic memory in our brain. Energetic trauma lives in our body. Bio-Well Trauma Healing is a complete approach to healing from trauma. Our stress levels impact how effectively we process trauma and grief and vice-a versa. The Bio-Well report will provide an accurate impression of their energy, stress levels, the influence of different situations and stimuli.  Our team of psychotherapists and life coaches will work with you to create an action plan for their day-to-day transformation and trauma healing. Your reports will be emailed to you in 3-4 days after your scan.


Bio-Well is a revolutionary tool based on Electro-Photonic Imaging or Gas Discharge Visualization technique (Kirlian effect) made specially for express-assessment of the energetic state of a person. Interpretation of the scans is based on Acupuncture points concept, Ayurveda and many scientific and clinical research made throughout 20 years. It is fast, visual, reliable and easy to use.

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